Bjork’s “Biophilia” iOS App

Pedro B. Gorman
Published in
11 min readJun 12, 2021


New Series: Mesmerizing Interactive Music App Reviews #1

Biophilia’s 3D navigable home page; screenshot from my app’s home screen

Disclaimer: This is merely an impassioned review of an app I know, love, and want to share, and is in no way an affiliate link to the said app.

As a relative latecomer to devices, gadgets, and apps — I only acquired my first iThing in 2016 at the age of 40 — I have nonetheless made up for lost time.

As a music-lover and a musician, as soon as I discovered the never-ending plethora of App Store gimmicks for my then-new iPad Air, I went down a rabbit-hole I am not quite sure I have emerged from yet.

What this means is that, if there’s a super-cool, super quirky, or fascinating music app, chances are, I will have it.

The first app of this series I will be reviewing is, in my opinion, one of the craftiest, most exciting ways to research, design, build the instruments, and compose an album I have ever encountered under the genre “concept album;” invented by, of course, Björk — our own elfin mad scientist of sound.

I have been asked by friends over the years things like: “how would you define, your relationship to music, and its relation to atoms, protons, electrons, the universe at large, and humanity?”

I know, I know: my friends ask weird-ass, brain-frying questions, bless them. They’re…



Pedro B. Gorman

Re-writing my life & personal narrative. Top Writer in Music. Fiction writer, poet, musician, spoken-word guy, voice-over/audiobook guy.