
Black Dog Comes

For a while

Carel Kolchinski
Published in
Apr 10, 2021


The effects of depression
Image by Sammy-William from Pixabay

Black dog comes,

Sneaks inside your head.

Sits upon your throat.

You want to choke.


Lights go out.

Darkness strokes your hair.

You know it isn’t fair.

But who cares?


Fear walks in

And makes itself at home.

Now you are alone.

It’s time to groan.


Black dog howls

But slowly disappears.

You overcome your fears.

You’ve shed your tears.


So time delivers

And breaks the spell.

A moment spent in hell

With black dog.


© Carel Kolchinski 2021



Carel Kolchinski

Past lives as a journalist, PR poseur and commercial slave. Now an aged teetotaller, cyclist, enthusiastic musician and painter. Certified writing addict.