Blissfulness in the Sky

Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2022


A joy ride in the sky….

When I feel enormous bliss
My feet become energized propelling me
Taking a whimsical flight in mid air

At first, I have a smile on my face
So wide, my happiness
Transports me to an imaginary faraway place

Photo by Street Og' on Unsplash

My feet take off
Like a blasting rocket into the sky
Leaving behind a smoky trail of dust

From the past with my eagerness to fly
My happy feet jutting me up high
Along with my arms guiding me with eagle wings

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Flying with a flock of birds
We soar together in unison
Swerving and curving, a playful dance in the sky

Gliding through the fresh, cool air tickles my spirit
With the birds and fluffy, pillowy clouds
Tasting the clouds made of cotton candy




Writer/Poet/ Self-published author: “Cravings: Love, Passion, Desire”…… Poetry/Nature, Dog, Beach Lover and on Amazon