Bob Dylan Won the Nobel Prize

A Poem Discussing His Delayed Acceptance

Matt Ray


Whatever happened with Bob Dylan and the Nobel Prize?
I remember it vaguely, for I was sailing afar
There was no response when the announcement was made
Just silence, with the door, left ajar

Bob won the Prize in 2016
Or so they said up in Sweden
But where was Bob when the announcement was read?
Was he laying down on his big brass bed?
Would he ever respond to that which was said?
Or was he just blowin’ in the wind

The time clicked on, for days and weeks, but still, no answer came.
How many days must a board wait long, before the prize be claimed?
His clothes were dirty, his hands were clean
He was the best thing we’d ever seen
Perhaps he was down in New Orleans
But hardly a word was framed

He had to perform, or lecture it’s called
To claim the booty that accompanied
The prize itself, a $900K bounty
Which required a song and his company



Matt Ray

Top Writer in Travel, Photography, & Poetry. Recently circum-sailed around the world. Find all my Publications, Blogs, & Socials here: