
A poem for the emboldened



Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

There is a change in the air
In my movements, tone, and volume
And yours
Mocking anyone who dares call us quiet or shy
For fear and care have left the conversation

Welcome to a new world

In the quiet, confined to our homes
A reckoning has taken place
I have something to say!
And I am not asking whether anyone wants to hear it
Let it be known

That I am bold

That I lived with confidence infused with laughter
That I was kind and compassionate but unfailing in my strength
That I struggled vulnerably and connected with others, old and new
That I did all that I could, as best as I could
And that I really cared about the world and most of all, took care of me

And that you can too

The world awaits that voice we have relegated too long to our heads
Why must we slumber until we see a sign or seize the right moment?
We create them with open eyes, arms, and hearts
Convict yourself
Be bold

