Serialised book (with a progressively updated >>dashboard/ToC<< page). Part II: Philosophy of the Life Instinct.

Book: Philosophy of Life Instinct: Chapter 11: Religion

Dimensions, contributions and shortcomings.

Shashi Sastry
21 min readFeb 21, 2021


Image by the author.

We recognise religion intuitively, but it is hard to define. Does it need a God or not? Must it have rules or inspire? Is it a calling or cult? Personal or communal? Should it stay out of government, influence it, or control it? How important are its rituals?

From the Life Instinct viewpoint, we can continue the theme from the last chapter on God. Our conscious mind with the freedom to choose its beliefs and actions is a powerful thing, but it pays the price for it — in uncertainty and fear.

We saw why we conceptualised deities — to provide rational and consistent answers for what we experience and observe. And it worked for almost every human who has lived, however irrational and imaginary they may seem for an increasing number of people today. It was a natural, even necessary, solution.

But just thinking of God was not sufficient. Our advancing human brain delivered by Life Instinct was creating a complex mental world, with thousands of observed objects, cause-and-effect patterns, choices…



Shashi Sastry

I am a prism, refracting the light of thought into a rainbow of content for you. Poetry, philosophy, architecture, and more. LESS STUFF, MORE VEG = A FUTURE.