Reading List | Books | Leadership

Books on Leadership

Best Books to Read in 2020

Ann Venkataraman
Published in
6 min readJun 20, 2020


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Here is a must-read list for books to improve your leadership skills, and become world-class! Many are bestsellers for a reason, they provide solid practical tips for people in all stages of their careers.

Books are listed in random order; I love them all and find they have all contributed to my professional and personal success!

Whether you want to learn about leadership vs management, leadership in turbulent times, transformational leadership and other leadership styles, or looking for suggestions on leadership books for women, or simply want to increase your social influence skills, this list will help you out. Read these classics if you are participating in a reading challenge and just seeking new books to read this year.

1] “Nice Girls Still Don’t Get the Corner Office”. Lois Frankel.

Screenshot by the author — personal copy via Google PlayBooks

Brilliant book for any woman who wants to break the glass ceiling. Yes, it does exist although it remains invisible until you reach a certain stage of your career. The gist of the book is…



Ann Venkataraman

Techie, Manager, Blogger & Mom. I write about Leadership, books, productivity, and how to use them to fast-track your career.