Boom! Medium Will Remove the Ability to Write Stories On the Mobile Apps

There is a workaround I hope



Person phone photo created by wayhomestudio —

I typically write on a laptop, either in Notion or directly on the Medium website. From time to time, though, and depending on the circumstances, I have been using the mobile app for iPhone to write, draft, or edit stories on the go.

This won’t be possible much longer.

Where did this come from

In a recent post, Medium shared their plans to “remove story editing features from our native apps as well as controls for profile customization”.

To me, this means no more writing, editing, drafting up stories on the go, and no easy access to profile customization from the phone. That’s a huge bummer!

How Medium explains it

From Medium:

In the coming weeks, we’ll be introducing a series of changes to our Android and iOS apps, focused on a faster, smoother, and more consistent reading experience. The goal with these changes is to help readers discover more authors and topics, and to make it easier for them to read and share stories from their mobile devices. It will also be a significant step forward in creating a more unified and familiar Medium experience across Android, iOS…




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