Boom! Why I’ll Leave Medium And Start My Own Newsletter

and how to bring Medium subscribers to Substack, ConvertKit or MailChimp

Kristina God, MBA


Exploding bomb in pop art.
Label vector created by brgfx

A few months ago, I experienced a knife-to-the-heart moment.

I received this message:

2 people have unsubscribed from your list.

…*knife to the heart*

You work so dang hard to get readers ON your list, it really hurts to watch them go.

Luckily, I received around 30 insightful comments and emails from my 200+ subscribers in response to my post about the future of my Medium newsletter.

During the holiday break, I evaluated the feedback I received and made the decision to start my own newsletter in 2022 — and grow outside of Medium.

Medium’s newsletter feature has several flaws

Medium’s newsletter function is a nice tool but it has its flaws.

Despite all the positive feedback I received, here are the top 3 knife-to-the-heart moments for my followers:

#3 — Boom! Bombardment



Kristina God, MBA

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I Copywriter⚡Join my Online Writing Club: