Boomer’s Outdated Advice to Navigating the Job Market

willy cash
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2023


If you’re a Millennial, job prospects are bleak, and it’s not your fault

Credits: I created this meme using Imgflip

1 in 4 Millennials currently live under the same roof as their parents.

Two-thirds of young adults reported they’d move out if they could, according to a recent survey. The inability to afford rent, the struggle to save money, and job insecurity are common reasons why so many young adults are living at home in record numbers. But what so many Baby Boomers don’t realize is why their kids are back at home — or at least, many seem to think the job market is the same as it was four or five decades ago.

Newsflash: it’s not.

If you are a Millennial living at home, just know: you are not alone. In fact, many Zoomers are finding themselves in a similar position. In 2020, Pew Research reported that 52% of young adults between 18 and 29 years old were living with their parents, which is the highest level since the Great Depression.

If you’ve been job searching lately, you’ve probably heard some of these classic one-liners from your Baby Boomer parents:

“Call up the business and ask to speak with the hiring manager.”

