5 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Motivation First Thing In The Morning

An article that explains ways to help boost your motivation to accomplish things as soon as you wake up

4 min readMar 22, 2023


Happy and motivated woman
Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash


As soon as you wake up, you may have negative thoughts about not wanting to do your tasks or tackling your day.

Before I began my improvement journey, I struggled with this issue. I would immediately feel negative emotions like discouragement when I thought about my responsibilities or things I had to do. For example, I would become discouraged because, in a few hours, I had to go to school and do my assignments.

Now, I have transformed my mindset into feeling more willing to tackle my day and do my responsibilities. There are a few days when I experience discouragement, but I do not identify with that feeling. I do not let that type of emotion dictate my actions.

You may be wondering how I transformed my mindset so that I feel motivated as soon as I wake up. So, in this article, I will discuss five ways I have done this.

Note that these activities are not a one-time fix; they take consistent practice and must be implemented in your routine to see a difference.

#1. Pre-Planning

Planning out the following day the night before has helped boost my drive to do things when I wake up.

Creating a schedule or to-do list for the following day prevents you from feeling overwhelmed or unclear about what you should do that day. A clear list encourages you to perform those specific tasks throughout the day.

When you are clear on what you have to get done, you become motivated and driven to accomplish those tasks.

#2. Choose Your Outfit Beforehand

This simple yet effective habit of choosing my outfit the night before the following day has boosted my motivation in the morning.

Choosing an outfit that you find appealing will make you feel confident when wearing it. But, before you can wear that outfit, the first thing you need to do is get up out of your bed in the morning. As a result, you find it easier to wake up feeling motivated.

When you plan on wearing an outfit you find attractive, you feel more elevated first thing in the morning.

Planning attractive outfit
Photo by Junko Nakase on Unsplash

#3. Identify One Thing To Improve Yourself

The night before, I journal and write down one thing I am willing to do to improve myself by at least 1%.

These things may relate to social skills, work performance, physical health, etc. Recognizing one practice that will improve yourself increases your motivation because you have something to look forward to.

Before the following day, identify and write down one thing you have been putting off for a while that will improve you. It could be anything.

#4. Obsess Over The Positive Things

Whatever point you are at in your life, there is always something positive.

When you lack the internal drive to achieve things in the morning, focusing on external things such as friends or family could help boost that motivation.

The moment you wake up, when you have thoughts of discouragement, shift your focus to the positive things. Think about the enjoyable things that you would encounter throughout the day.

Implementing this strategy to your routine will make you look forward to your day.

Optimistic mug reminding of positive things
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

#5. Remind Yourself Of Your Goals

You may feel unwilling to achieve your tasks early in the day because you need to know your purpose.

Creating achievable goals or reminding yourself about them helps produce a sense of purpose. When you are clear about your purpose, you feel driven to jump out of bed and work to achieve those goals. A way to remind yourself about your goals is to write them down.

Spend a couple of minutes brainstorming about things you want to achieve in life and write them down so that they stay on your mind.


Consistently practicing these strategies can help you boost your motivation first thing in the morning, which will help you accomplish your tasks and goals throughout the day!

If you have any thoughts or questions, please share them in the comments below!




High-schooler| Articles about Fitness, Health, and Self-Improvement| Goal is to share my ideas with my audience!