Born to diabetic parents-6 research-based preventions

Dr.Airy Bangash
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2023

I am a doctor and this article is based on medical knowledge. So if you want to know about your status of getting diabetes or you want to know about this topic for general knowledge, this article will be informative. You will definitely get new information after reading this article.

Diabetes type 2 also called diabetes mellitus is very prevalent in the East as well as in the West. The global prevalence was 285 million adults which will increase to 439 million by the year 2030. In this article, you will know how to diagnose yourself if you will get diabetes in the future within 10 years, its investigations, effective prevention and to prevent its complications.

Diabetes and prediabetes are like an iceberg whose tip is visible that’s a very small piece of it, but the actual huge body is actually submerged in water. The tip shows only that population, that has diabetes but the submerged body represents the “prediabetics”. The elderly population is less as compared to the young population (having diabetes), which means that a large number of the young generation is prone to develop diabetes shortly (if they have prediabetes).

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

First, we should exactly know what is diabetes and prediabetes.

1. Diabetes:

It is a condition in which your blood glucose is very high, and insulin is also high but insulin is not working. What does that mean? It means that your body has developed insulin resistance.

Diabetics then use medicine to regulate their blood sugar if not they will develop complications which include problems in the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels which cause them to have heart attacks.

  1. Eyes: they may get blind if yearly screening is not done along with blood glucose control
  2. Nerves: their nerves can have inflammation causing tingling, burning, and loss of touch. Also, they can develop a loss of function in the arm or leg.
  3. Kidneys: kidney function screening is also necessary to see if high glucose has done damage or not. Thus screening is required.
  4. Vessels: Most dangerous are heart vessels which can cause heart attacks.

Every person with diabetes doesn’t develop such conditions. Its intensity and type vary from person to person

Photo by Olesya Grichina on Unsplash


2. Prediabetes:

  1. This high insulin can cause your back neck and underarms to be darkened.
  2. Prediabetics can also cause pain in your heels. It can also cause weight gain.

My main discussion here is about its prevention. So for prevention, you need some prerequisites

  1. Your age must be between 25 and 30.
  2. You should have a blood glucose measuring device called a glucometer at your home or in your access.
  3. You should know different values of fasting blood glucose levels. I will mention these values in the article below.

Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose is normal but your insulin is high and high insulin compensates your blood glucose.

Normal values of blood glucose on glucometer:

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The criteria for measuring blood glucose is

1)You must be fasting for at least 8 to 10 hours:

The easiest way is not to take any meal from night let’s say 10 o’clock till morning at 10 o’clock before breakfast.

2)You should know how to use a glucometer:

You can watch a video on YouTube about your glucometer and learn from it. Make sure blood should be a good enough small drop, not very minute. Put blood on the strip and there will be readings shown.

3)Normal blood glucose level and ranges:

As you are nondiabetic age 25 to 30 more or less and you want to know your diabetic status you should know these values.

Fasting blood glucose if less than 100mg/dL on two occasions then you don’t have prediabetes.

Prediabetic level range:

Fasting blood glucose if ranges between 100 and 125mg/dL then you have prediabetes.

Diabetic range:

Fasting blood glucose of more than 126mg/dL on two occasions then you have diabetes.

Knowing your diabetic status by hemoglobin A1C:

image by breath well being

HbA1c refers to glucose and hemoglobin joined together (the hemoglobin is ‘glycated’).HbA1c is your average blood glucose (sugar) level for the last two to three months.

1)Less than 5.7 you are normal

2)More than 6.5 you have diabetes

3)In between them, you have prediabetes


To prevent diabetes all you need to know is to control it at its prediabetic level. We will not go to its causes and its risks but will only work on its prevention. after knowing prevention you will ultimately know about its causes and risks. So, stay tuned to know how can you prevent it.

Image by the author

Exercise: exercise is the backbone of prevention. As you all know with the advent of technology and the internet we tend to have a sedentary lifestyle that lowers our metabolism. The picture above comprises an overview of the whole exercise that was told to us by an endocrinologist.

Control BMI: BMI should be controlled and should be maintained in a healthy range which is below 23 or less, high the BMI higher is the risk of conversion to diabetes.

Set a goal: A healthy goal comprising of regular monitoring through a glucometer plus monitoring BMI should be done. Any deviation from the normal is not very good. You must consult an endocrinologist and a dietician.

Consult a dietician: Ifyou turned out to be prediabetic then rush to a dietician to give you a healthy plan keeping in view of your lifestyle and diet.

Consult an endocrinologist: If you are unable to control your fasting blood glucose level then you must consult an endocrinologist to prevent you from developing diabetes.

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Dr.Airy Bangash

I am a doctor and content writer, mostly writing health related content. Hire me for content writing on Fiverr and at