Bottle Of Water: Is it Safe to Drink Packaged Water?

Does consuming water from plastic bottles affect your health?

Jay Chatwani
2 min readFeb 13, 2024


Photo by Jonathan Chng on Unsplash

The Consumption of Packaged drinking water is rising year by year.

With all these companies selling packaged bottled water, there are even companies selling “Premium Bottled Water”.

But is really safe to drink from a plastic “Bottle of water”(with a British accent)

Let’s address it…

1. Is Drinking from plastic bottles safe in general?

We are disregarding a Major factor while asking this question.

A study investigated several samples of bottled water and found natural polymers in all of them.

The water itself was contaminated

Any microplastics of size less than 5mm are harmful to us and the majority of what they found in samples were less than 5 mm in size.

However many companies boast about how their water is free from contamination and how the source of water is pure and natural.

2. Does this mean it’ll be safe to consume “Premium Water”?

Answer: Not Really; What they found was…

Higher temperatures will cause the release of plastics from the Bottle Itself.

All bottles when exposed to temperatures above 50 degrees have been shown to release their polymers into the water due to thermo-oxidative reactions.

No matter how expensive or Premium quality the bottles were, they all released microplastics when exposed to higher temperature.

The temperature needs to be maintained below 30 degrees for the supply chain.

So, not only your water should be free from contamination but the temperature at which the bottle reaches you should be regulated

Plus temperature changes can lead to a decrease in pH and increasing levels of fluoride and chloride.

You can make sure that all of the above factors are taken care of while packaged water or you can just get a steel bottle.

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