Boy’s Search for Meaning

A story of a little boy seeking an answer to the uncertainties of life.

Radwa Azmi
3 min readJun 25, 2020


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

“I am done with uncertainties
I will walk alone till I find an answer
to what is real and what is not”

The night shaded on the poor boy
he was looking for shelter when he found one
A blue house with sounds of laughter and scents of bakery
“Who are you?”
“I am family”
“can you help me find an answer?”
“I can love you the most, protect you with life
your pain steps knock on my heart,
but sometimes I am too demanding
I can not always get you
or take you as you are”

“You are a great blessing, but you are not the answer”
And he kept going.

Walking on, the boy glanced a beautiful girl
her eyes are charming
Half warm, half cold
“Who are you?”
“I am love
I can fly you to the moon
but make sure you can handle me
as much I am pleasant, I can be a curse too
if you have me, you have been half the way
the other half is cut by sacrifices.
sometimes I settle where I should not
sometimes nobody sees me but you
this is when I can burn your heart”

“I hope one day I meet you, but you are not what I am looking for too”

Hope shaded, but the boy kept going anyway
when a dark cloud panned the moonlight,
a huge shadow you might think it is true
but in fact, it is just an illusion to your sight.
“Who are you?”
“I am fear
sometimes I do save you
othertimes you lose control of me
I may lock you up in a dark tight room,
you think everyone else is seeing me
but I only live in your head”

“I hope I use the exact amount of you, but you are not the answer too”
And kept walking through the dark

Darkness was cut by the sparkle of a treasure,
carried by a man who looks exhausted,
he is overburdened, but never puts it down
he looks young, but in his eyes, you can see the passing ages
“Who are you?”
“I am money
I can not take away your pain
but I can distract you a bit
you will think you are fine
but in fact, you are not”

“I hope I am really happy not only distracted, you are not the answer too”

At the edge of despair, a hand was given to the boy
of an old man with a white beard and calm eyes
“Who are you?”
“I am faith”
“Are you staying with me forever?”
“There is no forever”
“Can you save me from suffering?”
“I can make all your sufferings easier”
“Are you fastening me?”
“I set you free from every secular”
“Are you deluding me?”
“I illuminate your insight to see the heart of things”
“Are you the answer to my uncertainties?”
“Family gives you warmth
Love gives you assurance
Fear saves you from harm
Money saves you from neediness
and all of them may cause you pain
pain is inevitable and this is certain”

“So what are you giving me?”
“I am giving you the patience to take your pain
I am giving you the quietness to accept your losses
I am giving you perception to handle uncertainties
I am your only loss, none of them is yours to lose.”



Radwa Azmi

I write about faith, mental health, psychology, and self-improvement. Poet. Engineer. Photographer. Reflective.