Boys Will Be Boys

What George Santos and Donald Trump have in common

William Mersey
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2023


George Santos has apparently had enough. Harrassed to death and in trouble with the law owing to his own lying and cheating, he finally sees the writing on the wall and now expects to be expelled from Congress as early as next week.

Despite getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar on a number of occasions, Santos has refused to apologize for all his crimes and indiscretions. Rather, he simply denies and denies in defiance of those who would malign him so vengefully as if all he’s done doesn’t rise to a level that would have him thrown out of anywhere save a prison on his ear.

As the final chapter of this sad soap opera approaches, Santos is taking his best shot. And as you’d expect, he hasn’t changed courses and decided to apologize to his constituency — and the country — as he surely should. No siree. He’s pulled a “Donald Trump” on his voters.

On the podcast during which he divulged he expects to be thrown out of Congress on his ear, Santos fired a salvo at his colleagues, whom he claims get drunk every night, and miss congressional sessions preventing them from voting on measures the next day because they’re hungover, and lastly, have sex with lobbyists. And just for good measure, he name-called ethics committee chair Michael Guest a “pussy.”…



William Mersey

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."