Break Time a.k.a Mobile Time?

Sidra Khan
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2024

Here’s a thing that we all have in common. Constantly reaching to our mobiles during work, food, and important communications. I know, you’re guilty of this and so I am.

Whatever actions we perform have some link to ourselves, our brain. Behind every action, our body is voluntarily involved in or simultaneously does there’s a hidden science. Understanding and exploring the science behind “You” can be crucial in your self-development journey.

Until we don’t know why is something happening, we can’t fix it.

Can you fix a broken circuit without knowing that there are two wires — blue which carries a positive charge and red which carries a negative charge to make the electricity run through this circuit we have to place these wires, appropriately.

Certainly, No!

Let’s dive straight into how mobiles affect you.

Imagine, you finally sat down to do your pending research assignment. After 20 mins you think of having a little break to refresh. Now in that break, you have 4 options:

  • Scroll through social media while being in the same seat.
  • Keep sitting on your chair and stare at an empty wall or a fan ceiling.
  • Go outside the room, take a walk and come back.

I can tell most of us choose the first option without taking a few seconds.

Photo by Bruno Gomiero on Unsplash

The point of having a break is to discontinue studying or whatever you’re doing to engage in something which provides your brain and body, a quick sense of pleasure to refresh your system.

We all know it’s vital to keep taking breaks during long work hours. But, whoever told us about this phenomenon of taking a break forgot to tell us the fundamentals, particularly.

Let me break a very important fundamental to you:

Engage In Options That Provide Lesser Pleasure:

Remember, I gave you some options of activities you could have performed whilst taking a break. The second one somehow looked like the sentence below:

  • Keep sitting on your chair and stare at an empty wall or a fan ceiling.

C’mon, this option is even more boring than doing research.

Exactly, this is what we have to choose.

Photo by Fadkhera Official on Unsplash

Answering The ‘WHY’ Behind This:

When you engage in the work of a research paper to gain the satisfaction of its completion, you engage in a long-term goal which can be frustrating because you only gain pleasure when it’s completed.

In between this boring task, you take a break in which you scroll on a mobile phone which releases a good amount of dopamine(a pleasure hormone) in your brain.

Hence, it will now be very difficult for your brain to get back to your research work. You’ll feel reluctant because you will not feel that same amount of pleasure.

Human beings engage in any activity because we need something rewarding in return. It can be the fulfillment of needs, purpose, goals, or survival.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

However, we prefer doing things which give us instant happiness.

This doesn't mean that we cannot be involved in productive work for a long time.

But by simply eliminating high-pleasure activities during breaks, you can reset the reward system in your brain and make getting back to work easier.

By opting for less stimulating activities during breaks, you are decreasing the baseline of your dopamine to a lower level and resetting the reward system in your brain to make the transition back to work smoother.

Opting for less stimulating options, such as staring at an empty wall or ceiling, might seem dull at the moment, but it serves a crucial purpose.

You are allowing your brain to shift its focus from high-pleasure to low-pleasure activities so that your brain doesn’t find a striking difference between your work and break time.

Training your brain in this manner will create a healthier balance in the long run.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash


In conclusion, the next time, you find yourself reaching for mobile during breaks consider the long-term satisfaction that comes from the achievement of your goals.

Moreover, understanding the science behind your actions can bring incredible changes in your life. It empowers you to make more informed decisions in your day-to-day life and helps you navigate the journey of self-development, effectively.

Remember journey of success involves understanding and taking control of the complex workings of your mind.

Sidra K.

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Sidra Khan

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