Breaking Bad Habits is Hard, but It’s Not Impossible

All it takes is time, determination and a little self-believe.

Ryan J


Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay

We all have bad habits. Some are small and barely noticeable to the untrained eye while others have the power to disrupt your life on a daily basis. But no matter the size of these aggravating mannerisms, we all have the ability to overcome them and change our lives for the better.

Like many people I have more than one routine altering ‘quirks’.

I’m a full-time procrastinator, an excellent negotiator when it comes to talking myself out of doing what needs to be done and I have the tendency to binge drink on occasions — when I get the taste, I like to make a night of it.

All the characteristics of someone who won’t be achieving their goals anytime soon.

Not one to beat myself up, I accept these vices for what they are even though they do irritate me at times.

When it comes to dealing with imperfections I go through phases.

There could be weeks, even months when I stay strong, fight against the temptation to be lazy, keep the beers to a minimum and put in the work to move closer towards my goals.

But, sooner or later I always slip-up and fall back into my old ways.



Ryan J

Northern Irish writer in Sydney | Exploring mindset & motivation |💡✍️ Passionate about unleashing potential & staying inspired in life's journey.