Breaking free in the Young Year

You are one decision away from a different life

3 min readJan 17, 2022


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

One thing we have to break this year is the habit of fear, worrying, and having to doubt yourself in the young year.

In 2021, we’ve encountered challenges of feeling negative, self-doubting, caring what everybody thinks, having anxiety for what matters and what doesn’t, worrying, and thinking.

Hey! You are not a warrior, you only have a habit of worrying, thinking, and fearing.

I have heard friends and colleagues discuss their concerns about the previous year (2021) and all they have faced. I also have had my fair share of the year’s challenge.

Self-doubt and anxiety are some of the most popular elements that have kept us in our shells instead of breaking free. These might be experiences sourced from our environment and relationships made.

It’s time to break free from all emotional grounds. I have had times when I felt I wasn’t doing well enough, I felt I wasn’t doing the right thing and others were doing better than I was. I needed more but didn’t know how to go about it.

On one angle, we are great humans aware of our brilliant selves, and on the other side, we are all humble humans trying to find out the best way to live.

Most times we are stuck in what we’ve previously tried instead of accessing our instinct.

We are held back by mistakes made by our previous decisions which disconnect us from our purpose but rather destroy our mental health and wellbeing.

What to do!

You are to discover and accept every part of your being and seek help out of your old thought patterns.

Engaging ourselves in this enables you to make healthy choices that will help you love your humanness while getting closer to your super self.

We all know what is right, healthy, a great decision, and the healthy characters involved in life but we never engage in them.

When the pain of bad choices becomes intense, we begin to worry, overthink, and be anxious. But these draw us back, so backward that achieving our goals become so difficult.

Embrace the acceptance of who you are, believe in yourself, make good decisions, let go of judgment about negative or unconscious behaviors, and rather have compassion on yourself.

This powerful step enables you to break free of the cycle of denial and would help you in making a better year.

Breaking free is a life key to achieving your ultimate divinity.

Here is a link to more of my stories. I hope you find them useful and insightful!





A passionate psychologist and therapist dedicated to empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges and cultivate greater well-being.