Breaking News

The Shocking Reality of How News is Breaking You

Carel Kolchinski
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


A middle-aged man covers his ears with his hands.
Image credit — Frank Lomax

In a world bombarded by a relentless stream of breaking news, one might assume that staying informed is a virtue. However, what if I told you that consuming news is terrible for your health and happiness and detrimental to your creativity, decision-making, and overall well-being?

Let’s embark on a journey through the murky waters of the news cycle, where amusement meets a severe revelation about the impact of news consumption.

Fear and aggression: the unwanted side effects.

First and foremost, let’s address the elephant in the room — news induces fear and aggression.

The constant barrage of sensational headlines triggers our limbic system, leading to chronic stress and a plethora of adverse effects on our bodies. It’s like a horror movie playing on a loop, with no option to hit pause.

Imagine a world where your daily dose of information doesn’t leave you on the edge of your seat, anxiously awaiting the next crisis. Now, that’s a utopia we could all use.

Irrelevant details vs. underlying risks.

Ever find yourself drowning in the minutiae of celebrity gossip or inconsequential details?

News has a knack for misleading us with sensational titbits, diverting attention from the underlying risks and critical issues that genuinely matter. It’s akin to missing the forest for the trees.

Perhaps it’s time to zoom out and focus on the bigger picture, embracing a more informed and nuanced perspective.

Shallow thinking: the news’ favorite sidekick.

News is the ultimate interrupter. It infiltrates our lives, disrupting concentration and transforming us into shallow thinkers.

This constant bombardment doesn’t just steal our time; it inhibits deep thinking, leaving us with a superficial understanding of the world. Consider the mental space freed up by a news detox — a precious commodity that could be channeled into more profound reflections and insights.

The news drug: breaking bad habits.

News is addictive. It’s a drug that creates a craving, altering the very structure of our brains. Breaking free from this addiction requires a conscious effort to detox.

Just like any other habit, adjusting takes time, but the rewards are immense — reduced anxiety, improved focus, and a newfound clarity of thought.

Creativity’s nemesis: how news kills innovation.

Creativity thrives in an environment free from the shackles of constant information overload. With its relentless updates and sensationalism, news acts as creativity’s nemesis, stifling our ability to generate new ideas.

Imagine a world where innovation flourishes, unburdened by the weight of breaking news. It’s a world where creativity is not just encouraged; it’s celebrated.

Breaking free: an alternative to news consumption.

Does this mean we should abandon all forms of information? Not quite.

Investigative journalism still holds its relevance, providing in-depth insights into critical issues. However, as we know it, news doesn’t have to be the sole source of our information.

Embracing alternative forms of media and allocating our time to more purposeful endeavors can lead to less disruption, decreased anxiety, and more time for meaningful reflection.

I am breaking the news habit for a brighter tomorrow.

Breaking news: consuming news may not be the key to a well-informed and fulfilled life.

As we navigate the information age, we must recognize the toll news takes on our mental and emotional well-being. By breaking free from the news cycle, we open ourselves to a world of deeper thinking, increased creativity, and a more optimistic worldview.

So, the next time you feel the urge to check the latest headlines, consider the actual cost of breaking news — and perhaps, break the habit for a brighter tomorrow.



Carel Kolchinski

Past lives as a journalist, PR poseur and commercial slave. Now an aged teetotaller, cyclist, enthusiastic musician and painter. Certified writing addict.