Breath of Light


Nedelcu Alina
2 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by A. L. on Unsplash

In the peaceful support of the day break’s initial blush,
Murmurs mix in the quiet of a resting world.
The skyline, a material of delicate pastel dreams,
Where the night’s dull woven artwork disentangles its creases.

Light inhales — a delicate breathe out, conditional, modest,
As the sun lifts its face from the pad of the sky.
The air, loaded up with sparkle, an ethereal melody,
Where particles dance, and shadows have a place.

Each beam a delicate finger, following ways concealed,
Over glades sleeping in their covers of green.
The dewdrops, similar to pearls, on the eyelids of blossoms,
Catch the embodiment of vaporous hours.

In woods where murmurs become clear and profound,
The light pads, energize the rest.
Each leaf is a stained window in nature’s great corridor,
Enlightened in wonder as sunbeams fall.

Mountains stand superb, in their magnificence they relax,
Shrouded in a gleam from sunrise’s delicate cover.
Tops like old sages, intelligent and significant,
Hold mysteries of light in their rough hill.

Seas reflect the scene, huge and quiet,
Mirroring the skies in a moving sheen.
Waves get the glimmers of orange and gold,
Writing in water stories antiquated and told.

In the clamoring urban communities, where night won’t ever kick the bucket,
The light sneaks in unobtrusive, through rear entryways and skies.
A delicate touch on the shoulders of those still sleeping,
In condos stacked intently in heaps so steep.

Breath of light, in its immaculateness rules,
Over palaces of mists and open fields.
It plays on the edges of the world’s tranquil soul,
Patching the pieces into an entirety.

However, as night draws its inescapable cover,
The light moans delicately, its breath now slight.
The shadows develop striking, and the varieties retreat,
Yet, the commitment to the first light is planted like a seed.

In the murmur of stars, in the cool night’s hug,
Rests the breath of light, with its transient beauty.
For every morning revives the dance of the daybreak,
In the breath of light, where trust is redrawn.

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