
Kristin Westbrook
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2023
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Brand new baby boy.

It’s a big day for me. I’m reorganizing the freezer section of our refrigerator. It’s sizable; much bigger than the previous one, a side-by-side that we had to scrap after the Hurricane. When we evacuated last September, we thought we’d only be gone for 3–5 days, so we didn’t clean out the fridge and freezer. Two months later, we came back to find it taped shut and marked TOXIC WASTE.

Anyway, this one’s much bigger, and very nice. There are two tiers to the freezer section. Half of the upper tier is a Craft Cube ice drawer. It’s for fancy round cubes. But we still have a lot of room for food.

The weather apps have been saying that this year is shaping up to be an active year, hurricane-wise. It’s because the sea waters are reportedly much warmer than they’ve ever been. That might very well be true, because it’s only June, and we’ve already got our second named storm — Bret — headed this way. Arlene was the name of the first hurricane of 2023. She came from the coast of Mexico in May, but petered out once she reached the Gulf.

I get antsy when a storm gets big enough to get a name, especially after Ian. He pretty much squashed our island, and made us all a little more focused on PREPAREDNESS. Batteries, water, candles and such. And no more TOXIC WASTE in the fridge. Ergo: we’re starting to eat everything in the freezer section, just to be safe.

Tonight it’ll be either Spinach and Mozzarella Ravioli or Gorton’s Fish Filets.

