Bring Your Sweet Sweet Loving To Me

Soulmate and Twin Flame Love

Filza Chaudhry
Published in
1 min readFeb 28, 2021


Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

My King your Queen awaits longingly
Your words lingering in my every thought
Distracting myself from solitary aching
Praying heartfelt wishes come true
God’s timing and plan opens our pathway
A journey overcome with many a challenge
Many a tear, scream, agitation and frustration
Some with simply no explanation
Yet the eternal bond can never be broken
Bound by divine formation
Any ties severed and words hurtfully spoken
Are realigned back to sacred harmony
Saying ‘I love you’ is just not enough
You are me and I am you
Visions sent so vividly
Becoming our reality
Respectfully, responsibly and profoundly
We hold a love that is beyond our probabilities
It is so much more
Much more than we can comprehend
But with open arms and beating hearts
We welcome our union to play out
We are shown peace, bliss and unexplainable joy
Alleviating all pains, solace and lows
Wanting nothing more
But to worship the divine
That lives in us and forms as one

Filza Chaudhry 2021 ©



Filza Chaudhry

Writer, Poet, Creative Visionary, Humanitarian, Editor of Heart Revolution. We are ONE collective, ONE humanity, ONE love💗 https://medium.com/heart-revolution