Bro, the Grimace Shake is Killing People

Grimace, the most infamous killer this generation has ever witnessed

Skyla Macy


Photo by Ardi Evans on Unsplash

Well, if you live in America where the land is free and the food is high in saturated fat, you probably heard of the Grimace Shake by now.

Actually, it’s been discontinued when writing this, so if you didn’t get a chance to taste it, I’m sorry for your loss. Just pretend you got a slurp of that sweet Grimace and act like I wrote this when the shake was still at its peak. Maybe McDonald’s will be coerced into bringing it back by the purple man himself.

See, the shake got popular not because of its taste or its wild purple color, but rather because the internet got a hold of it. An internet challenge was born from the simple shake, simply dubbed the “Grimace Shake Challenge.”

A challenge? How could a milkshake possibly be challenging? Well, my friend, you must not know Grimace.

The Grimace Shake Challenge is a trend primarily on TikTok. Someone will try the shake, say it’s pretty good, then the video



Skyla Macy

A creative with a love of art, horror, and whatever else I think is worthy to talk about from my little brain.