Broken Homes

A Haiku with commentary— for nature

Shreya Deodhar
Feb 1, 2021


Rather than Hedge Fund this is Important
Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels

His dear home destroyed,

He leaves behind to find new

Tree, to make his own.

15 billion trees are cut down every year around the world. Literally, by the time you read this 3 line poem, a tree is falling somewhere.

This process is causing many adverse effects on our planet, like an increase in greenhouse gases, a reduction in atmospheric water content, and a rise in temperature fluctuations. Deforestation is not only destroying nature's beauty, it is also threatening the lives of many, many animal and plant species that live in the forests.

There are small steps we all can take to reduce the rate of deforestation:

  1. Be mindful, avoid using paper. Use cloth bags and towels.
  2. Plant a seed and help it grow.
  3. Donate to organizations helping to curb the rate of deforestation.



Shreya Deodhar

Aimless Writer, trying to find my Way! Avid Reader | Engineer | Expressing thoughts one story at a time !