Bucket list — do you have one? 📑

Recently, an acquaintance of mine from New York told me that she fulfilled something from her “bucket list” that was related to her current life.

Jasmin Secic


Bucket list
Bucket list — By Author

This motivated me to wonder how many people have their own list of things they want to do in their lifetime. And do such lists still exist among us? I mean small and big things, as well as the important things in life. The fulfillment of a wish and the feeling of satisfaction when we succeed in it, and sometimes the feeling of happiness when we achieve some great and important life value.

If you have such a list, do you manage to “tick off” something from time to time? When you consider that point fulfilled, do you set out to accomplish something else that you passionately or less passionately want to do for yourself while you are here — on planet Earth?
Thinking about all this, I remembered the movie of the same name. Of course, I won’t tell you the content since you’ve probably already watched it.

Some tribes in Africa do not ask a stranger when they meet him, how old he is, but — how long he has lived. For them, that question means how many days, out of those you have spent so far on earth, you can claim were really days that you lived with quality and substance. How many of those days can you confidently record in your notebook of life as days that were worth living? Here are the questions for all of us!

What is the difference between Living and living?

Bucket list
Live your Life — By Author

Many life textbooks tell people that they should live now and here, enjoying the little things in life that can be found all around us, in our hearts, among our neighbors, and with our friends. And do we really do that in our everyday life?

I’m afraid not!

We have fallen, unprepared and not by our own planning will, into the dead ends of consumer society. We madly strive to fit into the new life models we are showered with and in all this, we forget to be the real, true us.

We forget that we are irreplaceable only in our own lives. We forget about the small and big things that we can do for ourselves and others, and for which we should import a big ship of those notebooks from an African tribe with good living habits.

Thanks for reading!

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Jasmin Secic

Writer and blogger | I write mainly about the phenomena of today's time, and respect for others and those different from us. I am an author of children's books.