Build a Writing Portfolio That Shines

Showcase your writing, attract clients, and establish your brand rep

Jenn C ✅️
5 min readNov 26, 2023


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

There was this old movie with the catchphrase “If you build it, they will come”. Guess it’s true. If you don’t build it, no matter how unpolished or amateur it may be, it will forever stay in the cloudy fairyland called ‘Dreams’. You have to iterate, and iterate, evolving and improving each time you create.

Do you only publish and showcase your work when it’s 100%? Of course not! You show the process and by the time it’s at 60%, it is good enough! You don’t stay there. You get better the more times you repeat the process of creation. This goes for all things, dribbling, running, growing plants, designing, tinkering, cooking, writing — everything.

So how do you showcase this progress?

Answer: Show the behind the scene process. I am trying to develop a habit of capturing the evolution process. Just like popping the hood to see the intricate machinery underneath, writers can show how their thought process flows. From scribbles on scrap pieces of paper to complex mind maps, show the world your drafts, those crappy first titles, the messed up first sentences.

Image by author

The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” ― Terry Pratchett

Then when you have a polished article, pop that baby into your eye catching online portfolio. Anything online can reach across the globe! This is how solopreneur writers showcase their talents to potential clients. An online writing portfolio is a 24hr showcase of your expertise. Now is the time you started building yours.

Building a writer’s portfolio

  1. Identify Your Niche and Target Audience
    Before diving into content creation, take a step back and consider your niche and target audience. What type of writing do you excel at? Who are you hoping to reach with your words? Understanding your niche and target audience will help you tailor your portfolio to showcase your most relevant skills and experiences.
  2. Gather Your Writing Samples
    Start by compiling your best writing samples, ensuring they align with your niche and target audience. Include a variety of pieces, such as blog posts, articles, website copy, email newsletters, or even creative writing samples.
  3. Curate and Edit
    Now comes the critical task of curating and editing your writing samples. Select only your strongest pieces, ensuring they are well-written, error-free, and reflect your unique voice and style.
  4. Create a Platform
    Choose a platform to showcase your portfolio. Options include a dedicated portfolio website, a section on your existing website, or a professional profile on a writing platform like LinkedIn or Contently.
  5. Design and Structure
    Craft a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate portfolio. Use clear headings, concise descriptions, and high-quality visuals to enhance the user experience.
  6. Add a Personal Touch
    Infuse your portfolio with your personality and passions. Include a brief bio, testimonials from satisfied clients, and links to your social media profiles to connect with potential clients on a deeper level.
  7. Continuously Update
    As you grow and evolve as a writer, keep your portfolio updated with fresh and relevant samples. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and showcases your latest expertise.

Examples of stellar writer’s portfolios

Here are some examples of writers who have successfully used their blogs to promote their work and get published.

  1. Brené Brown
    Brené Brown’s impressive collection of work shows her strong skills in both research and storytelling. She has a knack for making even the most complicated ideas easy to understand and interesting to read. The design of her portfolio matches the quality of her work, using a simple color scheme, clear fonts, and lots of pictures to make it even more appealing. Brown’s portfolio is a great example of how to combine research, personal stories, and powerful storytelling to create work that is both informative and moving.
  2. Seth Godin
    Seth Godin’s collection of work showcases his unique and unconventional approach to marketing, proving his ability to connect with people on a personal level. The design of his portfolio reflects his writing style, using a bold and unusual look with splashes of color and handwritten elements. Godin’s portfolio effectively captures his rebellious approach to marketing, demonstrating his talent for challenging the status quo and sparking conversations through his writing.
  3. Ann Handley
    Ann Handley’s portfolio is a shining example of how to engage an audience. It shows that she knows how to grab people’s attention and keep them hooked. The design of her portfolio is eye-catching and easy to use. It uses a bright and lively color scheme, easy-to-read fonts, and clear visuals. Handley’s portfolio clearly demonstrates her experience in content marketing and her ability to produce content that is both interesting and effective.
  4. Austin Kleon
    Austin Kleon’s portfolio is a testament to his creativity and versatility. It shows his ability to express himself through different mediums. The design of his portfolio is playful and experimental, just like his art. It shows that he’s not afraid to think outside the box. Kleon’s portfolio clearly demonstrates his wide range of skills and his ability to create content that is both engaging and interesting. He knows how to create something that appeals to a wide range of audiences.
  5. Maria Popova
    Maria Popova is a writer and curator who shares interesting and thought-provoking articles on her blog, Brain Pickings. She has also been published in several major publications, including The Atlantic and The New Yorker.

The benefits of a strong writer’s portfolio

  1. Increased Visibility
    A well-structured portfolio serves as a powerful marketing tool, attracting potential clients and showcasing your writing prowess.
  2. Credibility Boost
    A strong portfolio establishes your credibility as a skilled writer, building trust and confidence among prospective clients.
  3. Clear Communication
    Your portfolio serves as a clear communication tool, effectively conveying your writing style, expertise, and areas of specialisation.
  4. Professional Representation
    A polished portfolio reflects your professionalism and commitment to your craft, making a positive impression on potential clients.

Unleashing the power of your words

In the hands of a skilled solopreneur writer, words become tools for transformation, inspiration, and connection.

A well-crafted portfolio serves as a powerful platform to showcase your writing mastery, attract clients, and establish your reputation as a wordsmith who can captivate and inspire.

So, embrace the power of your words, build that portfolio, and embark on a journey of storytelling that empowers both you and your audience.

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