Building WordPress Websites Is by Far the Highest ROI Skill I’ve Ever Learned

Here’s why.

Aure's Notes


Photo by Jakub Żerdzicki on Unsplash

In December 2019, I was stuck in Bulgaria with the flu, a rash on my hand, and a terrible idea: Amazon for meat.

A few months prior, I learned that a wholesale slaughterhouse in Brussels sold meat three times cheaper than traditional butcheries, which few people knew about.

So, I aimed to bring cheap meat to the masses.

Because I had no money, I figured I could build a marketplace off WordPress and began to learn hosting, plugins, etc.

Long story short, that didn’t work out.

But it was only the beginning.

A few weeks later, I was stuck in my brother’s co-working space when I said out loud that I should have a blog to write about my weird ideas.

He offered to host it on his server.

I chose WordPress yet again, selected a theme, and off I was.

After producing 120 articles in one year, I figured I should look up the meaning of what people called “SEO”.

I blushed.

“Oh damn, I thought. My whole work is useless actually”.



Aure's Notes

2X Msc in pol. science and business econ. Summarized +100 books. 25k people read From Belgium. No niche.