Business Culture Changed Forever, It's All About Survival

Trends that companies implemented to adapt and survive

Marcel Badia Roig


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

The pandemic leaves us with countless lessons and lessons learned. We may forget some of them in a few months, but we will certainly not regain the sense of stability that we had before COVID-19. This disease has changed everything in its path: our concept of safety and risk, the way we interact and, the habits in the work environment: Organizations open their way.

During this time, companies have made a huge effort to adapt to new circumstances. Within a few days, they have enabled contingency mechanisms to continue working and to provide business continuity. Over the months, they have been recovering some of the routines from before the pandemic, but few have returned to the original format.

In this changing and uncertain new environment, companies have been forced to reinvent themselves, to adapt to the new situation with the means they had. Employees, for their part, have responded with commitment and generosity, often far above what was expected of them. They have had to re-learn to work and do it from other spaces, with other tools, and living with their environment.

“Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with a passion.”–Brian…



Marcel Badia Roig

Marcel’s goal is to help connect the global and entrepreneurial community networks to engage with each other and have a positive impact on their lives.