But he’s so fun! (Except when he tries to kill me)

The ultimate betrayal in an abusive relationship

Jo Buckman


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

I read her affidavit with shaking hands and tears in my eyes. I’d expected it from others, but not her.

I’d always felt this affinity with Emily*. She was a bit like me — fit, athletic, loved the outdoors and a bit of adventure, while a bit shy and nerdy. We went for a few hikes together. We weren’t close, but we both had some decent sober time and bonded over the shared trauma of dealing with partners who didn’t. I had hoped we’d hang out when I returned to LA.

But there it was. She’d picked her side. And it wasn’t mine.

It’s tempting to think the silence around abusers is due to their celebrity. That the men like Danny Masterson or Russell Brand, who abuse, control, and manipulate women behind closed doors, get away with it because of their star power.

The stakes are too high, he’s too well-known, he’s too nice, why would someone like him need to do that to a woman?

She must be overdramatizing.

She’s the one who has ulterior motives. She’s got more to gain. Less to lose. And he… he can’t possibly... I mean, why? Why would he?



Jo Buckman

Writer. Dreamer. Wanderer. Sober and single. Exploring sex, love and mental health.