Can Alcohol Consumption Impact On Vaccine Effectiveness?

A science-backed article exploring claims that we should temporarily abstain from alcohol pre and post-vaccination.

Katie Sea


Photo by Chris F from Pexels

The development of several vaccines against Coronavirus infection has been an incredible achievement in the microbiology industry. After almost a year of restrictions, there is a glimmer of hope in the vaccine rollouts that have begun in many countries around the world. Whilst we can’t control when we get the vaccine, there is one small factor within our control that could impact on the effectiveness of the vaccine: Our alcohol consumption.

I understand how calming a nice glass of wine can be after a long day of working from home in an everlasting groundhog day. When there is a choice between sitting and watching tv or zooming friends, alcohol is the perfect non-judgemental companion. If you’re feeling low from the lockdown restrictions and need a pick-me-up, alcohol also has you covered with a short-term feel-good fix. It’s no wonder that 31% of UK drinkers are drinking more and drinking beyond the recommended guidelines since the pandemic began. In the long-term, this increase in drinking has negative ramifications for both mental and physical health. Not only that, but we should be cautious about the implications of our drinking…



Katie Sea

Biology Grad & PADI Divemaster | ex-Producer at a travel startup and accumulated a year's worth of travel experience | Writing whatever piques my curiosity