Artificial Intelligence

Can Fiction and Fiction Writers help in the Development and Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Systems?

According to Scientists, the future of AI lies in the hands of fiction writers

Warren Brown
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2024


Photo of a Robot.
Photo by Aideal Hwa on Unsplash

We are amazing biological machines, shaped and formed by our lives, imagination, work, love, knowledge, relationships and skills.When we think about AI, we immediately think about a Dystopian world, where humans are out to destroy humans. The Terminator movie franchise has helped in promoting this negative version of artificial intelligence in popular culture.

I think that more than half of humanity is nervous about using AI and unsure if we are “handing over our lives to machines”. Artificial Intelligence were created by inventive human minds, with the power of imagination and creativity.

Fiction writers have always provided scientists with great ideas of things to create to make life easier for humans. Great writers like ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Jules Verne among several others provided marvellous ideas about new machines that were later created…

