Can Today’s Genetic Test Predict Future Obesity?

Modern inexpensive genetic approach vs traditional approach based on family history.

JJ Lim, PhD
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2020


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The idea of obesity-related gene became popular since the association between the FTO gene and obesity was being reported in 2007. A slight variation in the coding of the FTO gene occurs between individuals has contributed to the variable susceptibility to weight gain. Since then, a number of other genes have been proposed to be associated with weight gain, even the CDC offers some common examples here.

Recently a group of researchers published their findings on 20 April 2020 after the researchers successfully prevent weight gain in mice after artificially prevent the expression of Asxl2 gene. How cool it is if humans can be treated to eat without gaining weight?

Nowadays, many independent companies offer inexpensive genetic screenings to screen for the risk of future obesity. Upon reviewing a few scientific articles, I aim to write this article to…

