Can Too Much Positivity Be Toxic?

Why I’ve learnt to embrace all emotions this year

Jade Scarfone


Photo by Third Serving on Unsplash

There was a time when I thought the only way I could have an impact on people was to be positive all the time. It’s what I was taught in the corporate world — “Even if you’re having a bad day, leave that at home. Clients are our number one priority, so always greet them with a smile”.

And a similar sentiment was taught when I started to work online. “Nobody wants to hear you talk about problems. You’re a leader. You have to be positive.”

But is all this positivity really for the best, if it’s fake?

If we’re burying our true feelings deep down just to make other people feel comfortable, is that truly having a positive impact?

I’ve come to think it’s not, and here’s why…

People are craving realness

These days, people are becoming fed up with all the fake influencers, and fake positivity. They can see through the highlight reels pretending everything’s perfect.

They want the real stuff.

At least, that’s been my experience. And, it’s what I’ve been hearing from most of the people I’ve connected with this year. Everyone’s BS meters are on high alert, and most people just want authenticity.



Jade Scarfone

Tech Witch. Creatrix. Providing innovative and impactful tech solutions for visionary leaders. I write about entrepreneurship & spirituality -