Can We Derive Pleasure for Ourselves In The Worst of Times?

Deriving Pleasure From a Pandemic

Kris Freeman


Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

I have taken up writing since the onset of this pandemic and it has served my inner creative mojo quite well.

Dare I say I am deriving pleasure from writing during a pandemic?

And just like that the question of “how dare I” pulls me right out of my writing pleasure zone and into a world that feels fearful, uncertain, and just plain scary.

What if there is something we are missing when navigating the land mines of this most auspicious year?

Our ability to cultivate pleasure is one of the most needed medicines on our planet right now.

What is Pleasure? And What Is Keeping Me From Having It?

Pleasure is the feeling and expression we experience when we are having Joy, Happiness, Elation, and Ecstacy. More synonyms elicit pleasure as well, but you get the idea.

What’s most important about understanding Pleasure is that it is an experience of being out of control. Pleasure has no boundaries, no real limits, and can last for as long as we are willing to have it.

Pleasure can feel uncomfortable long term because that feeling of being out of control can feel…



Kris Freeman

Falling Flat on My Face, Getting Up Again, And Asking “What IS Next? AND “What Else Is Possible That I’ve Refused to Consider?”