People Are Asking, Can We Take Off Our Face Masks?

And where should you use them?

3 min readJun 12, 2020


Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

Alright, now we face the challenge of public health. Yes, masks might be the most effective way to prevent airborne Covid-19 infection. Not because the virus can not get through, but because the affected person won’t throw their breathed air into your nose directly. Technically, it is almost impossible to push their air strong enough to reach your face when they wear a face-mask.

How did I know that masks are effective? Well, I am saying that they can protect others. We all remember that most doctors said masks are not effective at the beginning, and now they changed their minds again because they face a brand new disease and they are learning more about it. Therefore, I am not talking about the characteristics of the virus, instead, I thought about it from a different angle using Game Theory method called “Backward Induction”.

So the other day, I blew at a candle to turn it off but nothing happened because I forgot I was wearing a mask. I felt stupid tbh, but I noticed that my mask actually blocked all the air inside the mask, or to be exact, around my mask but never as much without wearing one. That may have been noticed by many of us, where it is now a must to put a mask on anytime you come in contact with people, especially indoors. It is a must-thing to wear in Portugal and I guess in most European Countries.

All I am saying is that wearing a mask is the best possible way to prevent Covid-19 from spreading and to protect other people so they do protect us back by wearing a mask too. Wasn’t it what we wanted in the first place? That what I meant by the Backward Induction theory.

At first, I was sure it would help a lot to distribute hand sanitizer and face masks to everyone at a near-zero price range. But it turns out to be an essential thing to do now. And the best part is that almost everyone is following the rules in Portugal, for example. Markets are reopening slowly, but there should be faster progress in the coming two months tho. I hope all countries are doing well too.

We receive new guidelines every day and it is effective. Put your face mask for a couple of months and clean anything you touch will help to stop this crisis.

On June 11, The BBC reports that “This is in line with new World Health Organization (WHO) advice. It now says non-medical face coverings should be worn in public where social distancing is not possible — including on public transport.

How long should we wear them?

I guess until the prime minister in your country, like New Zealand, declares the country is COVID-19 free.

If you need to know about COVID-19 and prevention please always refer to official sources in your country. The aim of this article is to encourage you to wear a face mask to protect others so they protect you.




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