Can you become the President of the United States?

A dream is not something you see in your sleep-A true story.




Dream. Dreaming is not something you see in your sleep. Anything that keeps you awake is a dream. Ideal dream”- Abdul Kalam

When I was at the hostel, my father sent me letters outlining the best verses in Abdul Kalam’s “Wings of Fire.”

abdul kalam
Image from Twitter by RΛMIN NΛSIBOV

Abdul Kalam is one of my favorites. A very simple human being. Minimalist. If we had any of his characteristics, that would make this earth a suitable place for humans to live. I cried for the first time for an outsider on the day he died.

His mantra was “to dream.” As I have already said in my previous article, I have a slight interest in astrology. As per astrology, I was born under the moon’s domination. It means I have high levels of imagination. Dreaming is my nature and hobby. I saw it, and I still see dreams.


The essence of many of the books I read from a young age is to captivate the mind and enrich life.

When I was nine, before reading all these books, I saw a helicopter flying. I thought it would be nice to see if cars are flying with wings too. Others said don’t dream about something that won’t happen.

