Can you create a business with Google Gemini with no money?

Jacob Johnson
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2024

Time to put Gemini to the test!

Photo by Gerard Siderius on Unsplash

Unless you’re brand new to Google, you’ve probably heard of Gemini (formerly Bard). It’s their answer to ChatGPT, and let me tell you, it goes toe-to-toe with it!

After playing around with Gemini for a bit, I got curious. We all know ChatGPT can be used to help with starting businesses, but what about Gemini? Could it be a secret weapon for entrepreneurs too?

What type of business would I create?

Figuring Gemini could be a business brainstorm buddy, I fired off the question: “What kind of business can I launch with Gemini’s help?” It gave me some ideas, but things got a little funny. Apparently, Gemini got a bit confused and thought I was a Gemini myself (sorry, Virgo here!).

Not wanting to give up on Gemini’s brainstorming powers, I asked it to clarify what kind of business it could truly help me build. This time, the answer was more specific, and much more to my liking! Intrigued, I decided to explore the idea of AI-powered Market Research and Consumer Analysis using Gemini. Now, the question is, where’s the best place to start offering this service?

Where should I post my service?

Sold on the idea of AI-powered market research with Gemini’s help, I needed to figure out where to find clients. I hopped back to Gemini and asked, “I love the market research and consumer analysis idea! Where should I advertise my services to find work?” Luckily, Gemini came through with some great suggestions, including freelance marketplaces, market research communities, direct outreach, and even industry-specific platforms.

With freelancing experience under my belt, I figured freelance marketplaces were a good starting point. So, I turned back to Gemini and asked, “Great suggestions! Since I’ve done freelance work before, which marketplace would be best for AI-powered market research?” Gemini pointed me towards Upwork and Fiverr, even suggesting Fiverr might be ideal for landing those quicker projects.

Can it help me create a Fiverr listing?

With Fiverr as my target platform, I wondered how far Gemini could take me in crafting a listing. Deciding to put it to the test, I asked it to whip up a draft for my first Fiverr gig. Honestly, I was impressed! Gemini didn’t do half bad.

Here are the results:

Absolutely! Here’s a draft Fiverr listing to get you started with your AI-powered market research service:

Title: Uncover Consumer Insights with Cutting-Edge AI Market Research

Category: Business & Marketing > Market Research


Tired of relying on outdated market research methods? Leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence to gain deeper insights into your target audience.

I will use advanced AI tools to analyze vast amounts of data, including:

  • Online surveys and polls
  • Social media conversations
  • Customer reviews
  • Industry reports

My AI-powered market research will deliver:

  • Actionable insights: Understand consumer preferences, buying habits, and pain points.
  • Competitive analysis: Identify your strengths and weaknesses compared to competitors.
  • Market trends: Stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Data-driven recommendations: Make informed marketing decisions backed by real data.

What you’ll receive:

  • A comprehensive market research report with clear visualizations
  • Actionable recommendations tailored to your specific needs
  • Competitive analysis report (optional add-on)

Why Choose Me?

  • Expertise in AI-powered market research techniques
  • Ability to deliver high-quality reports quickly and efficiently
  • Clear and concise communication

**Ready to unlock the power of AI for your market research?

Order your package today!**

Pricing Packages (you can adjust these based on your research complexity and turnaround time):

  • Basic Package: Analyze data from one source and provide a basic report.
  • Standard Package: Analyze data from multiple sources and provide a comprehensive report with visualizations. (Most popular)
  • Premium Package: Standard package plus a competitive analysis report.

Please note: The specific data sources and complexity of the analysis will determine the final price.

I’m always happy to discuss your specific needs and create a custom package.

Feel free to contact me before placing an order!

This is just a template, and you can customize it further to reflect your unique skills and experience. Here are some additional tips:

  • Use strong keywords: Include relevant keywords in your title and description to help potential clients find your gig.
  • Showcase your expertise: Briefly mention your experience with AI tools and market research methodologies.
  • Positive and persuasive tone: Use a positive and persuasive tone to highlight the benefits of your service.
  • Visuals: Consider adding screenshots or infographics to make your listing more visually appealing.

How about marketing my Fiverr listing?

Needing a way to get my Fiverr listing noticed, I turned back to Gemini and asked for its marketing advice. It threw a couple of options my way, including optimizing my listing for Fiverr’s search engine and even using paid ads. While both ideas were good, I decided to start with the free option and focus on making my listing shine in search results.

Time for the big question

For the final test, I asked the million-dollar question: with just listing optimization, how much could I expect to make in a month? Gemini crunched some numbers and told me I could realistically aim for around 200 views, with a 2% conversion rate translating to roughly $200 in the first month. Not bad for a bootstrapped startup, right?

So, can you make money with Gemini as your business partner? Absolutely! This experiment gave me a solid roadmap to launch my AI-powered market research service on Fiverr. With a little SEO magic and some strategic targeting, Gemini predicts I can snag around 200 views and potentially convert 2% into paying clients, bringing in roughly $200 in the first month. Not a bad haul for a solopreneur with a powerful AI sidekick!

Want to see how this Fiverr adventure unfolds? Leave a comment below and I’ll share my progress in the next article!

