
Can You Read 4300 Books In 40 Years As You Work 24/7?

You will stop making excuses to read books after this story.

Spiritual Alchemist
Published in
6 min readJul 13, 2020


Photo by Mert Kahveci on Unsplash

The value of reading is apparent, especially in modern times, when information is more reachable than ever through human history. Reading is like opening a worm-hole that leads you to an author’s unique universe, helping you learn things faster than you can learn alone. Plus, it helps you think differently and stretch your cup of consciousness, making it a special activity for learning and growing.

Let me ask you a few questions first to help you contemplate a little bit.

Do you like reading? As reading may not mean reading books, let me restate the question — do you like reading books?

What type of books do you read? Do you read from a large variety or a limited genre of books?

How many books do you read each week?

How often do you fall behind your reading plans, and why?

Why do you read? What is the purpose? Are you reading to avoid boredom, or you reading to learn and develop yourself?

How many books can you read in a lifetime?

Here is a simple calculation. If you read one book each…



Spiritual Alchemist

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