Inspiration | Life

Can You Trust Again?

What is trust, and how can you build it?

Bill Abbate
Published in
5 min readSep 2, 2023


Image by Lisa Caroselli from Pixabay

Can you deal with someone you don’t trust? Would you want to? If so, why? Let’s explore these and other questions while we look at the role of trust in our lives.

The need for trust

In many workplaces, you hear about building trust. It is not unusual for companies to have meetings, outings, or seminars attempting to develop or regain trust in the company or each other. Have you participated in the well-known trust-building exercise– the trust fall? Will things like falling backward into the arms of others, hoping they will catch you, build trust? More on this later.

There is little doubt that establishing trust is vital in business and relationships. Yet, there is a severe lack of trust today. Look at the distrust of the government, politicians, social media, and mainstream news media.

Imagine a world without trust. It’s not a pretty picture. Trust is required for the world to function. Why? Because at the root of trust is truth. Without truth, chaos reigns! Is it any wonder our world is in the mess it is in today? Who can you believe? Who can be trusted?

Facts about trust



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author