Can Your Nose Predict the Rain? Discover the Surprising Science Behind It!

Not everyone notices this

Dr. Tracy Davis


rain hitting the ground in a kind of hazy pictures
Photo by frame harirak on Unsplash

I recently saw a TikTok from Imjoshfromengland, who is from England and loves talking about Americans. The video details his awe that Americans can smell when it’s going to rain and that he can’t, but would like to have this superpower as it rains quite a bit in England.

My first thought was, well, I can smell the rain coming, can’t everyone else? But I guess not, judging from his reaction.

So, let’s dig in.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Oh, my joints are aching. Must be going to rain soon?” Or maybe, “Smells like rain today.”

Is that true? Can people actually predict the weather simply from how their body feels or what they can smell?

Well, there are people who cannot smell the rain coming and believe it's nonsense that others can do so. However, science tells us it’s true! Some people can actually smell the rain before it happens.

But how?

According to Scientific American, “Before the rain begins, one of the first odors you may notice as winds pick up and clouds roll in is a sweet, pungent zing in your nostrils. That’s the sharp, fresh aroma of ozone — a form of oxygen whose…



Dr. Tracy Davis

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development.