Canadians Are Too Polite

An embarrassing incident


A cow in a field with a mountain in the background moo
Photo by Shalev Cohen on Unsplash

I was sitting on the toilet when somebody in the next stall called out.

Hi, how are you?

Not wanting to appear rude, I replied.

I’m fine.

I was hoping that would be the end of the conversation.

So, what are you doing?

This was getting to be a bit much.

Just sitting here doing the same thing you are.

I was beginning to get a bit uncomfortable.

So, can I come over?

Now I was really annoyed. However continuing with polite decorum, I replied.

I’m a bit busy right now.

He replied with irritation in his voice.

Look, I’m going to have to hang up. The idiot in the next stall keeps answering my questions.

Jim McAulay🍁 says “ My parents spent a great deal of time teaching me the sounds that barnyard animals make. I have almost never needed that as an adult.”



Jim McAulay🍁 I'm nobody. Are you a nobody too?

I love puns. Use this link if you love them too. I’m not joking, but Stephen King has a son who is Joe King.