Cancel Culture Is Nothing New

Arthur Keith
Published in
9 min readAug 2, 2022


The Name Changers — Full of Fun Facts!

Facebook’s current logo was launched in May 2019. Image from Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain.

“…in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” ~Benjamin Franklin

“…and change.” ~ Arthur Keith

Change in this world is taking place faster than ever, primarily due to technology.

But increasingly, change has been sought to improve the perception of products and services and to help bring them into 21st Century thinking — by the people. And it’s been going on for years.

In some cases, these changes were forced by public opinion. Some entities proactively changed the name of their companies or products to avoid that harmful exposure. Even Facebook did it. While I’m still on the fence about Meta, based on its definition, it wasn’t a bad pick:

Met-a — a prefix meaning: 1. changed in position or form, altered, transposed

There’s a Meta Street in Ventura, California.

Facebook has been fighting negative press based on its policies, power, and taking over people’s lives! Their recent ad losses, now in the hundreds of billions of dollars, may have influenced the changing of their corporate name.

Let’s look at some of the names that have changed in these categories (I’m sure you’ll have more to add): Consumer Products/Food, Sports, and Places.



Arthur Keith

My goal is to inform, educate, & entertain. Top writer in LGBTQ, Music, Climate Change. Directionally dyslexic with an excellent sense of direction.