Cancel Culture Leftists Are Eating Each Other!

Muhanad Halvani
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2021


And, no, it is nothing sexual.

Image prepared by the author on Canva. Left: Screenshot from The Guardian | Right: Screenshot from The Jerusalem Post


The guillotine was first endorsed by the eponymous Joseph-Ignace Guillotin. This dreaded device, designed to behead people in an “enlightened” manner, was a mainstay of the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. During that period, the guillotine was used to shuffle — or, shall we say, sever — the mortal coil of more than 10,000 people. One of these people was a physician with a thing for mechanical contraptions. His name: Joseph-Ignace Guillotin.


Maximilien de Robespierre, the principal ideologist of the French Revolution and an incarnate of Alice in Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts, suffered a similar twist of fate. He went about Paris shrieking, “Off with his head” and “Off with her head.” That is until someone decided to return Robespierre’s discourtesy, and off came Robespierre’s head.


Guillotin and Robespierre were not the only ones during the French Revolution to get served with poetic justice. Many of the revolution’s ardent supporters, like Georges Danton and Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, who zealously called for the beheading of their compatriots, were themselves beheaded by their ideological brothers. A similar thing happened during the Russian Bolshevik Revolution and the Iranian…



Muhanad Halvani

Writer and university lecturer based in Istanbul, Turkey. Author of Dangerous Narratives: An inside look into ‘the mind-forged manacles’ of the Muslim world.