Memory, Psychology. Brain

The Most Important Truth About Human Memory — It Sucks!

Can’t Remember Why You Entered that Room? It’s Not Your Fault.

Prerita Chawla
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2020


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

It’s happened to all of us at some point in time. We remember we have to get something from the adjacent room, we walk in and have no idea what we’re doing there. It’s a blank space in our memory. Most often the result is we go back confused, cursing our damned stupid mind.

We as humans, love to celebrate the brain(probably because of our brain), make it the egotistical hero of every human escapade. But here’s the truth Human memory is fallible and it sucks.

The human brain is often likened to a computer. The comparison makes sense since both are required for processing information, storing it and recollecting it. But imagine if your computer changed information in your documents over time, or didn’t like certain file types, so it deleted them or in some cases just refused to store them. That’s our brain. We as humans love to celebrate it,(probably because of our brain), make it the egotistical hero of every human escapade. But here’s the truth Human memory is fallible, and it sucks.



Prerita Chawla

Writer| Biology undergrad | Feminist |Finding the wackiest neuroscience, behaviour and psychology anecdotes for you each day.