Can’t Stop Moving

Joe Luca
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2021


24 February 2021 Wednesday Prose Poem Prompt: moving expressions

Image from Pixabay — by Free-Photos

Can’t Stop Moving

Midnight was when I walked. Dark streets illuminated by overhead lights,
raining down on me one photon at a time. Counting the shadows
as I tried to outrun them. Cutting the air with the sharp edges of my face, thrust forward into the night, daring anything living to get in my way.

Teenaged blues circling my head, like wraiths out for blood.
Walk with me if you must, but leave my soul alone.

Anxious steps echo off brick schoolyard walls. Turning corners sharply,
trying to outdistance the ache that feeds off the dreams.
I will be fine one day. I will be happy.
The smiles will return and mists, like opaque veils will lift and I’ll
see this world again.

Mustn’t stop. Keep those feet moving. One AM — tired, but sadness
is beginning to peel off — taking skin, but leaving behind hope
At 2 AM I find my stride — watching from a point too high to be
my head. To steady to be my will, directing each step.



Joe Luca

Top Writer in Humor and Satire. I love words. Those written, and those received. I’m here to communicate & comment. To be a part of a greater whole.