Capitalism is Killing Us — Let’s Start with Amazon

Andrea O'Ferrall
Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2023


Amazon is leading the path to Corporate Planetary Suicide

Photo by Bryan Angelo on Unsplash

by Andrea O’Ferrall

Lots of people order from Amazon regularly and don’t see a problem with it, or don’t want to see the dirty underside of this behemoth company. But just because many folks don’t yet see the problem, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Here are just a few examples of why Amazon is a huge problem. I can’t prioritize them, because they are equally important for different reasons. They are big and they are bad.

Amazon is a Monopoly

I’ll start here — Amazon is the marketplace and also a seller in its own marketplace. It is a monopoly. The problems with this continue to grow. From making knockoff products from products sold on the marketplace to increasing seller fees, Amazon has a host of problematic issues.

And from Faiz Shakir, Co-Founder of A More Perfect Union:

It comes down to a whole host of exploitative practices that are degrading the user experience, raising prices across the internet, and crushing competition. All of it geared to make Amazon the only game in town.

Here’s the bottom line: Amazon uses its market power to keep prices high, even when you’re shopping on other websites. Amazon works hard to hide their…



Andrea O'Ferrall

I quit my elementary school teaching job to become a full-time climate activist. Writing, organizing, educating, protesting, and persisting.