Carole Baskin to Appear on Dancing with the Stars

Social inclusion condoms. Watch this show or you’ll need them because you’re screwed.

Dustin Nestler
4 min readSep 12, 2020


Photo Credit: Allef Vinicius | Unsplash

I see it now. Every last detail. A mailbox prop filled with toy-snakes that jump out as Carole faints into the arms of her partner. Her dance partner playing the role of Joe Exotic. Huge stuffed animal tigers, lions, and snow leopards “prowl” everywhere. All set on a stage that resembles Carole’s wildlife sanctuary: Big Cat Rescue.

On Monday, September 14th at 7 pm central time, Dancing with the Stars premieres its 2020 season which includes the Tiger King enemy of Joe Exotic: Carole Baskin. On the People magazine website, Baskin reveals her intent for participating in the show:

“I feel like this is an opportunity to give light to big cats and remind people that they don’t belong in cages. I just keep telling myself that this is the best way to get the message out there. To be as good as I can so that I can stay on as long as I possibly can.”

She also states that her daughter (her coolest kitten) said the following:

“Mom, you got to do this.”

Baskin won’t experience any difficulty staying on as long as she remembers her routine and how to perform the moves. Given her popularity, if she never makes it to the finals, Dancing with the Stars loses a lot of viewers and money for the final round. As well, Carole loses a decent size of obtainable big cat awareness.

Her first performance features the ever familiar “Eye of the Tiger.” Eventually in the season; I think she’s going to drop down from the heavens in a fierce pose. Don’t be surprised if this happens.

According to People magazine, she aspires to dance to her wedding song in a future round: Rod Stewart’s “Have I Told You Lately That I Loved You.”

Interesting choice. The same song as her wedding song? Does this mean Carole Baskin loves this platform and opportunity for animal awareness as much or more than her current husband?!?!

Not the greatest choice when people already speculate that you killed your former husband in a meat grinder…

Photo by Brian Wangenheim on Unsplash

Will Joe Exotic be watching?

When Carole got asked by People whether her foe Joe Exotic will watch from incarceration, she said “I sincerely doubt it.” I understand her viewpoint, but I believe a little differently. Carole thinks that if Joe watches, his attitude stays sour for the next week or two. True, but what if she fails miserably though? I assure you that thought entered Joe’s mind sometime this week.

Joe’s going to want to see her trip and fall given the possibility. I guarantee he will point her out amongst his fellow inmates if she does. This allows Joe to validate what he said before the show’s premiere to his friends in and out of the brig. Although most of the inmates never saw the docuseries due to the recency of the premier, I guarantee they know the details. In prison, words about everyone spreads quickly, especially for celebrities. The prisoners in cell block Exotic want to see Joe’s reactions to the woman who “caused” his vengeful hate.

Photo by Tú Nguyen on Pexels

What will Carole wear?

Carole explained that under no circumstances she wears an outfit containing leather, fur, feathers, or anything else animal-related. She also told the costume designers to go as wild as they want…

I’m not sure how wild things get without anything animal-related, but I am certain they come up with something mind-blowing. In my mind, I imagine her typical ring of flowers on her head along with some dress that holds a hippie or tie-dye style. Although, I think it probably ends up more along the lines of something sleek. Something saying, “stop killing big cats” in neon lights wrapped around her torso or similar.

Photo by Kaitlin Shelby on Unsplash

What will the results of this be?

Carole seems extremely intent on this primarily bringing about big cat awareness. I think that causes issues with what Dancing with the Stars wants. To ensure more seasons and with Carole as the biggest attractor; the employees who make the show work most importantly want to meet the crowd’s and viewer’s expectations.

If all this ends up looking like Carole’s agenda, I don’t see people pleased. Fortunately, I think the crew of the show and the professional dancer she gets paired with taking charge. They’ll incorporate elements of the Netflix series along with things that make the crowd gleam in delight. She might not enjoy the platform’s duty to the people, but I think the cleverest of the show’s employees ensure that Carole and the people viewing both get what they want.

When the show finishes for the season and months pass, only a small dent in increasing big cat awareness will be seen. Especially with Covid-19 and the fight for racial equality still so prevalent in the minds of Americans, big cat awareness among the general community can’t penetrate above these more prevalent issues. She won’t get as much in terms of awareness as she aspires, but something sits better than nothing.



Dustin Nestler

Professional freelance writer open for work. Topics include entrepreneurship, politics, self-help, entertainment, history, travel, and relationships.