Tech for Good

Catch Fast and Free Donations

How setup a no cost donation website in no time

Paul Coogan
Published in
6 min readJul 24, 2022


Photo by Mr. Hickmott on Unsplash

There are a lot of options for taking donations these days but the most cost effective and well known is PayPal. Unfortunately, PayPal does not give you much in terms of hosting a website and if you want coins in the coffer you will need at least a page to publish a call to action.

PayPal charges 3% of transactions and there is no way around this fee. Other sites may offer slightly lower rates but will often include other charges making it roughly the same cost. There are no monthly or up front fees so to get started so following this guide will cost you nothing, zip, nada to start and run the donation website. This is basically free money so let’s get started.

Have the following items on hand before starting.

  • Bank or Credit Union account # and routing #
  • A designated person to sign up for a PayPal business account (requires SS# and address)
  • A name for the email address associated with the PayPal account (may be new or existing)
  • If the email address above is not a Google account, select a name for the account i.e. [YOURNAMEHERE]
  • A name for the website…



Paul Coogan

(he/him/his) Project Manager, Artist, and Data Visualization/Activist Geek