Challenges and Pressures of Being the Breadwinner as a Woman and a Mother

From Juggling Responsibilities to Proving Your Worth — How I Navigate This “Special” Circumstance



Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Being the household breadwinner can be a daunting and stressful role for anyone, but for women and mothers, it can come with its own unique set of challenges and pressures. This is my reality.

In today’s society, single-income two-parent families are rare. Perhaps even less common in a two-parent, male-female, household, where the female is the primary provider. Being such a “special” circumstance, comes a whole new level of pressure.

The pressure to balance my work and family responsibilities is significant — and perhaps more so in a scenario like mine. Not only am I expected to excel in my career, but I also have to fulfill my traditional roles as a mother and a wife. I’m constantly juggling, trying to keep all the balls in the air, but feeling like I’m constantly dropping one.

It’s a lot.

And, even when all the balls are in the air, pressure accumulates to not drop one. To add to this situation are the invisible ones that are less seen and spoken of — the fear of resenting your partner, the weight of the responsibility on your shoulders and the concern they…




Inspired by family; passionate about community. Doing what I can to make someone else's day a little brighter.