Change Your Life By Embracing Rules of Improv Theatre

Brenda H.
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2023


Saying “Yes, And” Will Help You Thrive In Uncertainty

Meme created by author in VistaCreate.

Now that Hollywood actors have joined the writer’s union strike, it looks like the general public is on its own to entertain themselves.

So, as we are waiting on the actors and writers to work it out with the entertainment moguls, perhaps we could take lessons about improvisational theatre* and apply them to life lessons.

The first rule of improv theatre is to agree to the scene. Say yes to what life brings, and the scene can move forward. In improvisation, it’s crucial to accept and embrace the reality of the situation presented. Famous Swiss psychotherapist Carl Jung conjectured: “What you resist not only persists but will grow in size.” If we resist the problem, the problem grows bigger.

(Check out Medium writer Weirdful’s Star’s article about the Jung quote: )

So, if we’re feeling stuck in life, a solution to move it forward is to say, “I agree that this is the way the scene is playing.”…



Brenda H.

A not-yet-60-year-old Texas transplant is making retirement plans for anywhere else but here. Educated by School of Hard Knocks. Today is Once in a Lifetime.